Updated on February 21, 2016
Musterbrand Fashion Collection
I love cool and stylish clothes. But I love them even more when they have a cool and geeky edge to them.
For awhile now I have been eyeing brands that bring out collections based or inspired by videogames and films. Most of them often sell simple shirts and sweaters with just a print on them. Which is fine but not something you can easily wear to work or that fits every occasion.
At Gamescom I came across the store of Musterbrand in the Fan-shop hall. They had a booth set up there with a wide variety of clothing which all look very cool, but if you came closer were all inspired by a variety of videogames. Geeky but without being overtly so.
So here is some of their current collection that caught my eye in recent months and which I was really impressed with.

Updated on February 21, 2016
A Very Happy Geeky New Year – 2016
Hello everyone and Happy Geeky New Year!
I hope you had a nice holiday season and a fresh start into the new year. I spent my time falling in love with fallout 4 and cooking a lot of stuff for the many parties we had.
For me 2015 was bit of mixed year, I loved starting this blog, the travels and doing all kinds of new stuff. But health wise it was a bit of a downward spiral from which I am still recovering. Luckily 2016 seems to look like a better year.
And there is much this year to look forward too. New videogames, (comic)book titles, merchandise, cool fashion and films that are going to be released. And later this year there are plenty of events being organised that will make many geeks happy. Personally I am really looking forward to attending Star Wars Celebration in London. But plans for trips to Castlefest, Animecon and Gamescom are also in the making. So plenty of stuff to do!
As for the blog, I am still looking into trying to get a proper schedule and perhaps spice things up. But more on that later!
In the mean time I hope everyone will have a great 2016.

Updated on February 21, 2016
Geek Christmas Movies
Only a day more to go before it is finally Christmas eve again and time to watch some Geek Christmas Movies.
I hope everyone will have a great time whether they are celebrating it with loved ones or in a marathon session of playing videogames. But whatever you do, there probably will be time when you just want to sit back and relax with a nice film.
Throughout the years there have been many films that became really popular during the holiday season. I mean who hasn’t heard of titles like Home Alone, Scrooged, Miracle on 34th Street and more. But there are so many of them these days and it is easy to forget about some of them.
So here are some of my recommendation for Geek Christmas Movies.

Updated on February 21, 2016
Steam Winter Sale 2015 is here
It is finally that time of the year again. The Steam Winter Sale 2015 is coming (to town)! And oh yeah, something with Christmas and New Year.
Several sites report that the new Steam Winter Sale is running from the 22nd of December till the 4th of January. Which hopefully will give everyone enough time to find some extra funds to use on this sale. Because some of the discounts are actually amazing!
Be warned there have been rumours that there will be some changes to the old Winter Sale format this year. We already saw some adjustments in the Autumn Sale a few weeks ago. But what will this mean for the Steam Winter Sale 2015?

Updated on February 21, 2016
First Order Stormtrooper Helmet Review
Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie.
It’s only a few more days until Star Wars – the Force Awakens will finally be released in theatres. And I can’t wait, it’s already been weeks ago when I scored tickets for the opening day. Naturally that also meant planning to wear an appropriate outfit for when I am going to see the movie. I am a Star Wars geek fan after all.
So I was very happy when Funidelia approached me about their own line of official Star Wars costumes and Star Wars gadgets. And when they asked me if I would like to review one of their products.
They have a huge selection on their site and much to my surprise they also happened to have the new Star Wars – the Force Awakens collection as well.
My eyes immediately fell towards the First Order Stormtrooper helmet they have in the store. I always liked Stormtroopers and to me and many others they were iconic for the films. With the new films and the updated design I think that the First Order Stormtrooper helmet might become just as iconic for the new trilogy.

Updated on February 21, 2016
First Order Stormtrooper Helm
Click here for the English Version.
We hebben nog een paar dagen te gaan voordat Star Wars – The Force Awakens eindelijk in de bioscoop komt. En ik kan niet wachten, het is al weken geleden sinds ik kaarten heb gekocht voor de openingsdag. Natuurlijk houdt dit ook in dat ik een passende outfit wil hebben voor wanneer ik de film ga zien. Ik ben en blijf natuurlijk een Star Wars fan.
Dus ik was erg blij toen Funidelia mij benaderde over hun eigen officiële lijn van Star Wars kostuums, Star Wars helmen en Star Wars gadgets. Ze vroegen mij of ik een officieel product van hun wilde reviewen.
Ze hebben een gigantisch aanbod op hun site en tot mijn verassing hebben ze ook de nieuwe Star Wars – The Force Awakens collectie.
Mijn blik viel onmiddellijk op de First Order Stormtrooper Helm die ze in de winkel hebben. Ik heb altijd een zwak gehad voor de Stormtroopers en voor mij en vele anderen zijn ze iconisch voor de Star Wars films geweest. Met de nieuwe films en hun ge-update ontwerp denk ik dat de First Order Stormtrooper helm misschien wel net zo iconisch kan worden voor deze nieuwe trilogie.

Updated on February 21, 2016
For quite some time I have been visiting Fantasy fairs and conventions. And through the years much has changed, the events have gotten bigger and more and more people have gotten interested in them. You see the interest for Science Fiction and Fantasy grow and more and more people are no longer ashamed to say they are geeks and passionate about the things they love.
If you take events like Castlefest, London Film and Comic con or Animecon, being dressed in a t-shirt and jeans even might make you feel a little under-dressed. As every year more visitors show up in amazing costumes and represent their love and affection for their crafts and fandoms. From Steampunk to Videogames and from Vikings to Anime, you are sure to see a wide variety of costumes on events. With the majority of them being created and made by the people wearing them
I have to say that cosplay is one of the highlights for me at these events. I love to see the creativity, the love and the way people portray their love and appreciation for the fandom or genre of their choice. And throughout the years I have seen the cosplay scene become bigger and more inclusive. The quality of materials has gotten better and there is a wealth of resources available on the internet.
Still some people are a bit hesitant about it. And that is a shame as this is to me is what being a fan is about. I mean we don’t give funny looks to people decked out in their team colours? I see this as no different than showing what you love.
But see for yourself just how amazing it is, here are some of my favourite cosplayers.

Updated on February 21, 2016
Geek Shoes
It’s not a secret that I really like shoes. Another thing I really like is when they are Geek shoes or styles that are inspired or printed with one of the many things I happen to like. Luckily for my wallet I am pretty picky with things and so far my collection is very small and my bank account is safe.
A few years back it was very hard to find collections of footwear that had any ties to popular fandoms or pop-culture. And it they were around, they were often not released outside of the US making them almost impossible to get. For me Adidas was one of the first to break that when they released the Star Wars collection around 2010/2011. I still had to go to Amsterdam for it, but at least we had a shot.
So it is very encouraging to see that currently there are multiple brands that are bringing out collection with geek shoes. You have collections of Star Wars, Adventure Time, Disney, Marvel, DC and more. And the best thing is that most have affordable prices, are available worldwide and are not just made in adult men’s sizes any more.

Updated on February 21, 2016
The Netflix Tag
It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post with a tag game in it. But I think I just found the perfect one.
One of my favourite things to do on a Saturday night is to get some snacks, grab a drink and get lost in some films or series. And ever since I got Netflix it has gotten a lot more simple to just plop down on the couch and start binge watching. So what could be more appropriate than to answer the Netflix Tag that is doing the rounds on the internet.
While I watch plenty outside of Netflix, all my answers are only about the series that are available there.
What are some of your current favourite series to watch?
I follow a huge variety of series so my watchlist is pretty full. But with most of them I feel I can easily skip a few seasons and binge watch them later on while farming in World of Warcraft or when I am working on other hobbies (like painting warhammer).
But I do have a few which I really like to actually watch as soon as the episodes are being released. And currently those are House of Cards, Daredevil and Archer. I loves those series all for different reasons and I am always happy to see when new episodes or teasers are being made available on Netflix.
All of those series are currently on hiatus and waiting for new season to be released in 2016. So that means I have some time to catch up with other series that I neglected in the mean time. However once they are back on, it’s time to start binge-watching in the weekends.

Updated on February 21, 2016
Edinburgh Travel Tips
Last October I visited Edinburgh for a second time together with Jo. For me it was not the first time and Jo has lived there so it put us at an advantage to actually plan what we wanted to do there. Because that is one of the most common holiday issues, there is just so much stuff to do and to see that it can easily become a bit overwhelming.
Edinburgh is a big city and has many museums, restaurants, events and stuff to do that you can easily get lost in all the available options. I have been to the city twice now, for a week, and there is so much good stuff to do and to see that I haven’t been bored for a second. I intend to go back to see some more of Edinburgh as it has so many hidden places that I still haven’t seen enough of the city.
So here on my blog I gathered some of my favourite places to visit when I am in the city. And these are also the places and activities that I really recommended to my friends and family when they ask about travelling there. I hope you like these Edinburgh Travel Tips.