Updated on May 29, 2015
Gaming Backlogs
Playing video games is something I grew up with and which I still love to do.
Over the years I have owned many different gaming systems and played my share of titles on them. From Commander Keen to World of Warcraft, I bought a lot of games and enjoyed beating them.
But despite it all I have one major issue with video games; the so-called gaming backlogs. And to be honest my video game backlog has turned into a monster. If I take a look at my collection at home, and combine it with Steam and Origin, it had reached critical mass. I have 161 games on Steam, around 15 on Origins and a whole stack at home that I still need to finish.

This month I am going to attempt finally finish the following 6 games. It won’t be easy but I really need to start to make a small dent in the huge pile of games. Because summer is coming which means the Steam summer sale is on the horizon. And I will probably end up with a few new additions to my gaming list.
- The Walking Dead: season 1 – PC, PS3/4, Xbox360/One. mobile and handheld devices.
Around 1,5 years back I got this game as a gift because my friends knew I loved zombies and read the comics. As a huge fan of the story I am looking forward to tackle this game. Rather than being an action filled zombie-shooter it’s a more story driven game where you are presented with important choices that decide how the story progresses. This mean there is a big replay value. So far I finished the first episode and I am looking forward to the rest. Even though I am afraid some stuff might break my heart. - Lost Eden – PC-DOSBox.
Recently I found this game among my stack of old MS-Dos games. This title was bought for me by my dad when I was a young girl and still very much into dinosaurs. The game itself is rather short and it takes a bit to get it working properly. But the music is so beautiful and it holds many dear memories for me. I will probably manage to finish this one in one evening, but still would like to play it if only to to make a trip down memory lane. - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – PC, PS3, Xbox360
I got this game after I heard a lot of raving reviews from friends who adored this game. I only played a little but to me the description feels a bit like a single player MMO with a lot of quests and lands to explore. There was an actual MMO being developed in the world of this game, sadly the company has closed down since. The game itself looks really vibrant and interesting so I am curious to see if it can hold my attention.
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – PC, PS3/4, Xbox360/One
I bought this game out of curiosity as some people hated it and I haven’t really been into the whole CoD/Bf market. But a co-worker was really enthusiastic about it and I have to admit the videos looked good. Shooters have always been a favourite of mine but to be honest I kinda lost my shooters heart to Warframe. So far I have played a bit and I have been really impressed with it. I love the graphics, the mo-cap and the weapon arsenal. But I am planning to start anew and run through the single players campaign. The multi player might not be a good idea as I still have the nightmares from other games. - The 7th Guest – PC-DOSBox
Another trip down memory lane. My father bought this game when he got a CD-ROM for his pc and wanted to try it out. He got hooked on the game and entire nights would go by with him playing the game and me sitting next to him and helping him solve the puzzles. This was before the time of online walkthroughs so it was a lot of trial and error. The game has aged a bit but the puzzles remain fun to do and it’s fun to see the story behind the puzzles unfold. Parts of the game never left my mind so it would be a nice thing to relive it again. - Bioshock – PC, PS3, Xbox360, IoS
It’s really embarrassing how long I actually own this game already (almost 7 years). To be fair I have all the Bioshock titles but I never really finished any of them which is a real shame. When I played a bit of this game fell in love with the music, the atmosphere and the way the surroundings feel very claustrophobic. I have a bit of a phobia for the ocean and this game plays really into that.
Hopefully I can actually finish the games on my list. At the start of next month I will tell you if I succeeded and which games are next on the list.
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