I love cool and stylish clothes. But I love them even more when they have a cool and geeky edge to them.
For awhile now I have been eyeing brands that bring out collections based or inspired by videogames and films. Most of them often sell simple shirts and sweaters with just a print on them. Which is fine but not something you can easily wear to work or that fits every occasion.
At Gamescom I came across the store of Musterbrand in the Fan-shop hall. They had a booth set up there with a wide variety of clothing which all look very cool, but if you came closer were all inspired by a variety of videogames. Geeky but without being overtly so.
So here is some of their current collection that caught my eye in recent months and which I was really impressed with.

Star Wars
Musterbrand recently released their new Star Wars collection and it looks really good. They have a limited edition collection that consists of 5 different coats/jackets. The pieces are inspired by the Sith and the (Tie)pilots. And if you look at them you definitely see how they match the First Order outfits from The Force Awakens.
The rest of the collection has shirts and scarves. The only thing that puzzles me is why it is much cheaper to buy the Star Wars collection in the US?
Sith Lady – €279,99 / $249,00 – Skywalker Jacket – €219,00 / $189,00
Interceptor Scarf – € 49,00 / $ 49,99 – Sketch Art Neon – € 24,95/ $ 24,95
Assassins Creed
One of my favourite collections is the Assassins Creed one they brought out. Cool coats and accessories that make you look like a Templar or Assassin but at the same time just look really nice for day to day wear. For a random passer-by you just wear a really nice coat., but for a lot of geeks it looks even better when they realise it is the Assassins Creed version. And even though the Templars are not the team I am rooting for, they do have some really nice gear.
Templar Outfit* – € 238,00 / $ 249,99 – Cormac Coat – € 139,00 / $ 149,99 – Evie Fairfax set 2 piece* – € 358,00 / $ 358,99
* are on sale and are now cheaper on the site
Lancaster Hoodie – € 59,00 / $ 59,99 – Brotherhood Scarf – € 49,00 / $ 59,00
One of my guilty pleasures is the Witcher. I am still working my way through the second game but in the mean time I fell in love with the books and the art design of the game series. Musterbrands has a Witcher line as well that fit very well with the overall appearance of the games.
Temerian Lillies – €49,99 / $59,00 – Knapsack €79,00 / $94,00
Witcher Chainmail – €129,00 / $154,00 – Drowner Shirt – €24,95 / $24,95
The Collections
I think that their collections are really well put together. Some say that they are a bit pricey but overall I hear that the quality is really good and well worth the money.
One of the only downsides is that while their shirt sizes run pretty big, their coats don’t. Which is a shame as they are gorgeous.
Over time more and more collections have been released and I am curious to see what else they will bring out. So far they have announced that a bigger Mass Effect N7 collection will be brought out very soon.
At the moment there are also (smaller) collections available of popular titles like Portal, World of Tanks, World of Warcraft, Dragon Age, Halo and many more.
My Personal Favourites
Naturally I do have a few items that I am especially enamoured with and I can only hope I can add some of their pieces to my wardrobe. A sure hit is the Sith Lady Coat that I really adore but I am just a bit unsure yet about the size. But other than that there is plenty more cool stuff.
- The Assassins Creed Brotherhood Scarf – The design and fabric are amazing and this model is one of my favourites. I own the grey one but the blue one certainly looks cool too.
- Star Wars Empire Scarf – Yes I love scarves. And as a huge Dark Side fan this is perfect for me and the Rebel version is just as awesome.
- Mass Effect N7 Training Jacket – Since I am (Zombie)running as a workout I hope to train outside again like I used to. This waterproof jacket looks like a solid choice for my workout adventures.
- Azeroth Wayfarer – I love this bag, it is big can contain all my IT stuff. And the same time celebrate my love for Warcraft. The design is really nice and contains a lot of subtle hints. I really like the way the Azeroth map is printed on the fabric. Love it! I would team it up with this Warcraft Secrecy Etui to keep my pencils and lipsticks.
So plenty of cool stuff is available and I am very tempted by the Empire Scarf and the Wayfarer bag.
What pieces are your favourites?
Have to admit, I do like the Jacob Shilling Set.
I have a weak spot for the Templar set 😉
Templars, hmm.. dark side of course. ^^