Category: Personal


Hello, it has been awhile and time for a bit of a comeback. First of all my apologies for the sudden absence. Sadly life threw a curve-ball my way and it hit me square in the face. Last …

Personal Update – Sick Cats

Hello everyone, as you might have noticed there have been no uploads for a bit. I am truly sorry for that. But sadly life took an unexpected turn and we had to deal with a lot of terrible …

A Very Happy Geeky New Year – 2016

Hello everyone and Happy Geeky New Year! I hope you had a nice holiday season and a fresh start into the new year. I spent my time falling in love with fallout 4 and cooking a lot of …

Status Update

Hello Everyone, As you might have noticed this blog has been very silent for the past weeks. My apologies for that, but sadly I suffered from some severe health issues that escalated right after Gamescom. And matters went …

I wish tag

I saw this I wish tag on a couple of Dutch blogs and decided to translate it and fill it out for my own blog. Original credit goes to Teske over at If you could be anything …

Welcome to

Hello and welcome to My name is Claudia and I am a huge geek who lives in Europe. Ever since I was a little girl I was very interested in computers, games and pop culture and that …