Category: Games

Updated on February 21, 2016
Steam Winter Sale 2015 is here
It is finally that time of the year again. The Steam Winter Sale 2015 is coming (to town)! And oh yeah, something with Christmas and New Year. Several sites report that the new Steam Winter Sale is running …
Updated on August 29, 2015
Gaming Backlog #2
As I previously mentioned in a post, I am still working through my gaming backlog. And I have to say I behaved pretty well the last few weeks and didn’t go too crazy at the Steam Summer Sale. …
Updated on June 24, 2015
E3 most wanted 2015
The past two weeks were quite busy for many gamers. Not only was the Steam Summer Sale in full swing, there was also a steady flow of news coming out of the E3. Many of the big developers …
Updated on June 6, 2015
Fallout 4
Finally! After years of speculation we got the announcement we’ve been waiting for, Fallout 4!. This game will be heading our way in the near future. Fallout is a series of rpg video-games which deals with a post …
Updated on May 30, 2015
The Steam Summer Sale 2015 is coming!
Brace yourself! The Steam Summer Sale 2015 is coming! Many gamers will rejoice now that some new details about the upcoming Steam Summer Sale seem to have been leaked. So ready your wallets and make some space on …
Updated on May 27, 2015
All about Videogames Tag
On other blogs I always love to read the so called tags. These are basically a series of questions about a single subject which are answered by the blogger. It often gives a nice insight into what the …
Updated on May 11, 2015
Summer 2015 gaming wishlist
Summer is on it’s way which for me means less time playing games and more time spending outside. Since I am not the only one planning to do that you see that most people seem to play a …
Updated on May 29, 2015
Gaming Backlogs
Playing video games is something I grew up with and which I still love to do. Over the years I have owned many different gaming systems and played my share of titles on them. From Commander Keen to …